Rae Crowther Power Bow Sled
- The Power-Bow gives the player and coach immediate feedback on the player’s base, upper body strength, and power.
- No matter your scheme or position, the Power Bow trains your players to fight whistle to whistle
- The two weight horns mounted on the back base are the key to the sled’s performance.
- The key design element is for you to UNBALANCE the sled. For example, add 45 lb. plate(s) to the right side of the sled and then drill your players to drive the sled straight. The unbalanced feel is designed to replicate the direction of the opposing players force, and then for your player to fight against that force.
- The unbalanced sled simulates rotational and anti-rotational pressures felt during run block and pass pro scenarios.
- Disheartened with your players’ lack of finish on game day? The ability to “unbalance” the Power Bow requires players to adjust to variable force lines which help develop ‘Relentless Finish.’
- Of course, the sled can be used traditionally w/o adding weight to unbalance it, or you can add weight evenly to the sled depending on your surface and size/strength of your players. Use on turf or grass.
- The Power Bow utilize our HPST system (Hip Power Spring Tech). When the pad(s) is leveraged the HPST engages and provides resistance. The amount of resistance is adjustable to your level of play.
- Choose between 2 styles of great pads; the H1 pad or the E2 pad.
- The H1 pad has shoulder pads and a jersey mounted on a foam torso. The feel and fit is realistic and is designed to train all aspects of hand placement.
- The E2 pad provide a tight hand “fit” that makes players accurate, powerful, and accountable. The coach can “see” if the player is accurate. The concave shape of the pads is also ideal for shoulder and flipper techniques.
- The angle (body lean) of the pad can be adjusted from 0, 12, or 20 degrees. This allows the drill to match the distance to contact. No tools, just a pull pin. Lean the pad 20 degrees forward for goal line drills or “wrecking ball” technique, or stand the pad at 0 degrees for pass pro and linebacker drills.
- Pad colors: black, navy, royal, red, green, gold.